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 Agency for Restitution
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 Agency for Restitution
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 Agency for Restitution
Home Page > Competence of the Agency


Agency for Restitution (the Agency) was established in accordancewith the Law on Property Restitution and Compensation (“Official Gazette RS”, Nr. 72/2011) in order to proceed procedures and decisions on claims for property restitution and compensation, to provide expert assistance to claimants and return payers, to keep record prescribed by the Law, to report annually to government, through the ministry competent for finance procedures, about jobs from its competence, as well as other jobs prescribed by the Law (Article 55).

Headquarters of the Agency is in Belgrade. Agency has its regional units in Belgrade, Kragujevac, Nis and Novi Sad which are established for municipality territory pursuit to regulations which regulate regional development (Article 53), as well as unit for confessional restitution in Belgrade. Agency covers subjects, funds for the work, archive and employed in Direction for Restitution (Article 63, Paragraph 2).

On the basis of claim for restitution the Agency, as public agency, leads the proceeding through its regional units in accordance with the Law on Property Restitution and Compensation and the Law that regulates general administrative proceedings (Article 40. paragraph 1).

Competence of the agency’s regional unit is established in accordance with residence of the former owner in Republic of Serbia at the time of property confiscation. If it is not possible to determine territorial competence as previously described, competent regional unit is to shall be determinate by Director of the Agency (Article 44).

Agency operates in accordance with public agencies regulations, has capacity of legal entity with rights, obligations and responsibilities established by the Law on Property Restitution and Compensation and by Statute (Article 52).

Scheduling of appointments for applying for property restitution and compensation