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 Agency for Restitution
 Srpski |  English |  Deutsch |  Magyar |  עברית |  Slovenský |  Türkçe |  România
 Agency for Restitution
 Srpski |  English |  Deutsch |  Magyar |  עברית |  Slovenský |  Türkçe |  România
 Agency for Restitution
Home Page > Contact



An audience or telephone conversation with the person that processes your concrete case, in order to obtain professional assistance, can be requested EXCLUSIVELY by means of a written request to the e-mail address or through a written request, which should be sent to the address of the Agency, Kolarceva 7, 11000 Beograd. Republic of Serbia.

The request should contain the number of case, the name and surname of the applicant and a contact phone or e-mail address.

The parties can send all their observations regarding the activities of the Agency and its employees, in writing, to the e-mail address

Kolarceva Nr. 7
11000 Belgrade
Republic of Serbia

Floor I: Registry offices and halls for trials

Floor II: Unit for confessional restitution
Telephone: 011/ 69 79 038

Floor III: Regional Unit Belgrade

Floor IV: Central Unit of Agency for Restitution,
Office of the Director
Telephone: 011/ 69 79 068

Regional Unit Belgrade
Kolarceva 7
11000 Belgrade
Republic of Serbia

Telephone: 011/ 69 79 067

Regional Unit Novi Sad
Strazilovska 2
21000 Novi Sad
Republic of Serbia

Tеlephone: 021/ 21 55 625

Regional Unit Kragujevac
Kneza Miloša 12
34000 Кragujevac
Republic of Serbia

Теlephone: 034/ 356 851

Regional Unit Nis
Zetska 2
18000 Nis
Republic of Serbia

Теlephone: 018/ 415 07 12

Write to us. Send us your questions, comments and suggestions via e-mail
We would kindly ask you to check if you have put the address properly before sending your message.

While writing the message, we would kindly ask you to leave your personal information (name and surname, e-mail address, telephone number etc) so we would have the possibility to answer you and contact you if necessary.

Scheduling of appointments for applying for property restitution and compensation